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Science, 15 SEP 2023, VOL 381, ISSUE 6663
人工智能Artificial Intelligence
Edge learning using a fully integrated neuro-inspired memristor chip
▲ 作者:Wenbin Zhang, Peng Yao, Bin Gao, Qi Liu, Dong Wu, Qingtian Zhang, et al.
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▲ 摘要:
▲ Abstract:
Learning is highly important for edge intelligence devices to adapt to different application scenes and owners. Current technologies for training neural networks require moving massive amounts of data between computing and memory units, which hinders the implementation of learning on edge devices. We developed a fully integrated memristor chip with the improvement learning ability and low energy cost. The schemes in the STELLAR architecture, including its learning algorithm, hardware realization, and parallel conductance tuning scheme, are general approaches that facilitate on-chip learning by using a memristor crossbar array, regardless of the type of memristor device. Tasks executed in this study included motion control, image classification, and speech recognition.
Powerful, soft combustion actuators for insect-scale robots
▲ 作者:Cameron A. Aubin, Ronald H. Heisser, Ofek Peretz, Julia Timko, Jacqueline Lo, E. Farrell Helbling, et al.
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▲ Abstract:
Insects perform feats of strength and endurance that belie their small stature. Insect-scale robots—although subject to the same scaling laws—demonstrate reduced performance because existing microactuator technologies are driven by low–energy density power sources and produce small forces and/or displacements. The use of high–energy density chemical fuels to power small, soft actuators represents a possible solution. We demonstrate a 325-milligram soft combustion microactuator that can achieve displacements of 140%, operate at frequencies >100 hertz, and generate forces >9.5 newtons. With these actuators, we powered an insect-scale quadrupedal robot, which demonstrated a variety of gait patterns, directional control, and a payload capacity 22 times its body weight. These features enabled locomotion through uneven terrain and over obstacles.
MEG3 activates necroptosis in human neuron xenografts modeling Alzheimer’s disease
▲ 作者:Sriram Balusu, Katrien Horré, Nicola Thrupp, Katleen Craessaerts, An Snellinx, Lutgarde Serneels, et al.
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