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Nature,  21 September 2023, Volume 621 Issue 7979



Polarized thermal emission from dust in a galaxy at redshift 2.6


▲ 作者:J. E. Geach, E. Lopez-Rodriguez et al.

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▲ 摘要:

在此,我们报告了在一个强透镜、自身发光的星系中,从尘埃颗粒中检测到的线偏振热发射,该星系形成恒星的速度在红移为2.6处是银河系的1000倍以上,在大爆炸后的2.5 Gyr内。极化辐射是由尘埃颗粒与局部磁场的对齐引起的。


▲ Abstract:

Here we report the detection of linearly polarized thermal emission from dust grains in a strongly lensed, intrinsically luminous galaxy that is forming stars at a rate more than 1,000 times that of the Milky Way at redshift 2.6, within 2.5 Gyr of the Big Bang. The polarized emission arises from the alignment of dust grains with the local magnetic field. The median polarization fraction is of the order of 1%, similar to nearby spiral galaxies. Our observations support the presence of a 5-kiloparsec-scale ordered magnetic field with a strength of around 500 μG or lower, oriented parallel to the molecular gas disk. This confirms that such structures can be rapidly formed in galaxies, early in cosmic history.

材料科学Materials Science

Structure evolution at the gate-tunable suspended graphene–water interface


▲ 作者:Ying Xu, You-Bo Ma, Feng Gu, Shan-Shan Yang & Chuan-Shan Tian

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▲ Abstract:

Using sum-frequency spectroscopy, here we show the structural evolution versus the gate voltage at the graphene–water interface. The hydrogen-bond network of water in the Stern layer is barely changed within the water-electrolysis window but undergoes notable change when switching on the electrochemical reactions. The dangling O–H bond protruding at the graphene–water interface disappears at the onset of the hydrogen evolution reaction, signifying a marked structural change on the topmost layer owing to excess intermediate species next to the electrode. The large-size suspended pristine graphene offers a new platform to unravel the microscopic processes at the graphitic-electrode interfaces.

Bonding wood with uncondensed lignins as adhesives


▲ 作者:Guangxu Yang, Zhenggang Gong, Xiaolin Luo, Lihui Chen & Li Shuai

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▲ Abstract:

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