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Nature, 12 October 2023, Volume 622 Issue 7982
A planetary collision afterglow and transit of the resultant debris cloud
▲ 作者:Matthew Kenworthy, Simon Lock et al.
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▲ Abstract:
Here we report combined observations of the young (about 300 million years old), solar-like star ASASSN-21qj: an infrared brightening consistent with a blackbody temperature of 1,000 Kelvin and a luminosity that is 4 percent that of the star lasting for about 1,000 days, partially overlapping in time with a complex and deep, wavelength-dependent optical eclipse that lasted for about 500 days. The optical eclipse started 2.5 years after the infrared brightening, implying an orbital period of at least that duration. These observations are consistent with a collision between two exoplanets of several to tens of Earth masses at 2-16 astronomical units from the central star. Such an impact produces a hot, highly extended post-impact remnant with sufficient luminosity to explain the infrared observations. Transit of the impact debris, sheared by orbital motion into a long cloud, causes the subsequent complex eclipse of the host star.
A super-massive Neptune-sized planet
▲ 作者:Luca Naponiello, Luigi Mancini et al.
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▲ 摘要:
这里我们展示了凌日行星TOI-1853 b的观测结果,它的半径为地球半径的3.46±0.08倍,每1.24天绕一颗矮星运行一次。这颗行星的质量是地球的73.2±2.7倍,几乎是目前已知的海王星大小行星的2倍,密度为9.7±0.8克每立方厘米。
这些数字让我们认为TOI-1853 b在海王星沙漠之中,这意味着重元素占据了它的大部分质量。TOI-1853 b的特性给传统的行星形成和演化理论提出了一个难题。它可能是几次原行星碰撞产生的结果,也可能是一颗最初高离心率的行星向其母恒星迁移后的最终状态。
▲ Abstract:
Here we show observations of the transiting planet TOI-1853 b, which has a radius of 3.46 ± 0.08 Earth radii and orbits a dwarf star every 1.24 days. This planet has a mass of 73.2 ± 2.7 Earth masses, almost twice that of any other Neptune-sized planet known so far, and a density of 9.7 ± 0.8 grams per cubic centimetre. These values place TOI-1853 b in the middle of the Neptunian desert and imply that heavy elements dominate its mass. The properties of TOI-1853 b present a puzzle for conventional theories of planetary formation and evolution, and could be the result of several proto-planet collisions or the final state of an initially high-eccentricity planet that migrated closer to its parent star.
State estimation of a physical system with unknown governing equations
▲ 作者:Kevin Course & Prasanth B. Nair
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